Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Mike Moyers
Congress Editorial Blog

Congress needs to do a better job with solving pressuring issues instead of just putting them off for another time. One problem that really sticks out when it comes to this is immigration reform. While Trump continues to rant on and on about building a wall and making America great again, he is not acting upon his words as quickly as he should. Also, I do not believe that he is approaching this issue in the correct way either. Congress and Trump need to decide how they are going to deport all of these undocumented immigrants around the world. Even though I personally do not agree with the deportation of thousands living in the United States, even if they are not legal, because I believe they are still an important part of society. Anyways, if that must be an important issue that President Trump wants to act upon, he should be working on that right away. Instead of acting on things right away like a good educated leader would, he continues to put things off for later times and making things worse. He should be helping the cause to get illegal immigrants to at the very least come in to the United States legally, but instead he is instigating other powerful leaders and playing rounds of golf. If Donald Trump really wanted to “Make America Great Again” why does he continue to push his plans backwards and get nothing accomplished? Why does he continue to make things worse with other countries and other people around the world instead of attempting to solve some issues that are going through the United States? This is the major problem right now in Congress. Congress and Mr. Trump say that they are going to solve issues like deporting illegal immigrants while that is not that much of an issue. That was never spoken about more before until Donald Trump came into the picture. However, they let President Trump basically talk trash to other countries and leaders like Kim Jong Un and creating more problems then America can deal with right now during these hard times. It would not be hard to pass laws about illegal immigration. Trump running as a republican and Congress having the majority of Republicans have the votes to pass pretty much anything they wanted too. They have absolutely no excuse to not get anything that they said they were going to accomplish done.

Another issue that Congress keeps putting off that needs to be resolved is reforming different trade agreements. Trump threatens to repeal NAFTA and and impose tariffs, but in the end, nothing ever gets done. Whether they are good or bad for the majority of people in America, President Trump needs to act on different problems like he said he would. Even if it doesn’t sound like the greatest idea, still giving his idea a chance will be better than just leaving all of these issues that will be “fixed” the way they were before. People say that some of the reasons he spoke about repealing NAFTA and such was to just gain voted in usual democratic states. Well now if he does not act on what he said he would do he will cause a lot of turmoil and issues throughout our country to go along with all of the problems outside of our country.
Until Congress and President Trump decide that it is time to actually make changes to our issues, then only more and more problems will be formed. If they take things one issue at a time while avoiding from creating other issues, then there is actually a legitimate possibility that the United States could be on its way to being “great again”. It all starts with Congress realizing that it is time to step up and face these issues.

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